Religion and the Law
Law, religion and the interaction between the two has become increasingly evident in contemporary New Zealand, making it more crucial than ever for religious institutions and their advisers to understand the legal and regulatory challenges they face. For the first time, this full day conference brings together legal, academic and religious thought-leaders to examine religious freedom. You will gain insight and practical guidance into the most pressing issues including the changing face of religion in school
Attend and earn 7 CPD hours
Session 1
The Legal Conflict between Law and Religion plus Dealing with Abuse
Chair: Madeleine Flannagan, Barrister, Hibiscus Coast Legal Chambers
9.00am to 9.05am: Opening Comments by the Chair
9.05am to 9.35am: When do Religionists Clash with the Law?
- In what circumstances do religious persons or groups clash with the law?
- What characteristics do religionists who face legal difficulties possess?
Presented by Professor Rex Ahdar, University of Otago
9.35am to 10.20am: Religious Discrimination and Freedom of Religion
- Difference between religious discrimination and freedom of religion
Presented by Dr Jane Calderwood Norton, Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland
10.20am to 11.05am: Superdiversity in New Zealand and the Changing Face of Religion in Schools
- Superdiversity in New Zealand, and the growth and decline of religion in New Zealand
- The changing face of curriculum: Changes planned for religious instruction in state schools
- Implications and practical takeaways
Presented by Marina Matthews, Principal, Chen Palmer
11.05am to 11.20am: Morning Break
11.20am to 12.10pm: Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse
An insight into the legal and practical issues for faith based institutions in New Zealand’s Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith Based Institutions.
Presented by Jeremy Johnson, Barrister, Bankside Chambers
12.10pm to 1.00pm: A Modern Canon for Discipline in the Church
The Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia: A look at the recently reformed disciplinary Canon
Presented by Bruce Gray QC, Shortland Chambers
1.00pm to 1.15pm: Final Q&A and Closing Comments by the Chair
Learning objectives:
- Consider the circumstances in which religious persons or groups clash with the law
- Explore the difference between religious discrimination and freedom of religion
- Reflect on the changes planned for religious instruction in state schools
- Examine the current legal issues facing faith based institutions in the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse
- Consider the recently reformed disciplinary Canon in the Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia
Session 2
Faith-Based Organisations: Boards, Governance and Employment
Chair: Mark Donovan, Barrister
2.00pm to 2.05pm Comments by the Chair
2.05pm to 2.55pm: Boards of Faith-Based Organisations: Issues and Challenges
- What are the usual legal structures where these boards operate?
- What are the key functions of boards of faith based non-profits?
- How does the legal framework affect these boards?
- What added dimensions shape governance?
Presented by Steven Moe, Partner, Parry Field Lawyers
2.55pm to 3.45pm: Governance and Management Structures of Faith Based Institutions
The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse 2017 recommended a national review of the governance and management structures of dioceses and parishes, including in relation to issues of transparency, accountability, consultation and the participation of lay men and women:
- The implications for New Zealand
Presented by Rev Dr Brendan Daly, Judicial Vicar and Lecturer in Canon Law, Tribunal of the Catholic Church for New Zealand, Good Shepherd Theological College
3.45pm to 4.00pm Afternoon Break
4.00pm to 4.50pm: Employment Contracts for Faith Based Organisations
- Overview of case law developments relating to church ministers or pastors
- The nature of the relationship between churches and their employees and volunteers
- Developments in case law in other jurisdictions concerning churches and ministers/pastors
- The relationship between a church constitution and the manner in which the pastor is engaged
- Practical implications when assisting pastors/church ministers and churches in resolving work related matters
Presented by Simon Greening, Director, Watermark Employment Law
4.50pm to 5.00pm Final Q+A and Closing Comments by the Chair
Learning Objectives
- Receive practical guidance on the legal framework governing faith based institutions and the issues arising for boards
- Gain insight into the national review of the governance and management structures of Catholic dioceses and parishes and discuss the implications for New Zealand
- Benefit from an analysis of the key issues that arise in employment contracts for faith based organisations
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Auckland 1010
New Zealand
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