10 CPD Hours in One Day in Auckland
Issues covered include: Overseas investment, residential property, forestry, due diligence, property, cognitive bias, ethical decision making, business sales, ownership structuring, corporate entities, intellectual property, commercial contracts, privacy, GDPR, AML/CFT compliance, contract disputes, arbitration clauses, warranties, indemnities, limitations of liability, tax, Family, wills, probate, Oranga Tamariki, culture, interpreter, multicultural, pleadings, judicial review, JR, Construction Contracts A
In its 6th year, the Auckland 10 Points in One Day programme offers insights from the industry’s front-line practitioners. Attendees will receive updates of current topics and achieve all your compulsory CPD hours. This programme gives you the flexibility to attend a single session, a full stream, or choose sessions across Streams A&B that are most relevant to your practice.
Attend the full day and earn 10 CPD hours
This conference was recorded in NZ on 14 March 2019
Session 1
Stream A: Property Law and Commercial Decision Making
Chair: Joe Biddles, Director, Thompson Blackie Biddles
7.30am to 8.30am: Overseas Investment Amendment Act Update
- Residential land: pathways available to foreigners who wish to buy residential property in New Zealand
- Forestry rights
- Other key changes introduced by the Overseas Investment Amendment Act 2018
Presented by Wendy Wang, Senior Associate and Amanda Spratt, Senior Associate, MinterEllisonRuddWatts
8.30am to 9.30am: Due Diligence Issues in Property Transactions
- Why undertake due diligence investigations? The legal and commercial drivers
- Vendor due diligence
- Key areas of due diligence investigations
- The end game: contractual obligations to ensure the vendor and the purchaser adequately deal with disclosure requirements
- Contractual warranties around the provision of information, carve outs and limitations
Presented by Antonia Shanahan, Principal, Greenwood Roche
9.30am to 10.30am: Cognitive Bias in Ethical Decision Making
- Why good people make bad decisions
- The impact of cognitive bias on ethical decision making
- Improving the ethical decision making process
Presented by Paul Sills, Barrister
10.30am to 10.45am Morning Tea
Learning Objectives
- Gain a timely update on the Overseas Investment Amendment Act and its implications
- Receive practical tips on how to navigate due diligence Issues in property transactions
- Consider cognitive bias and how it can impact ethical decision making
Stream B: Family Law and Wills
Chair: Kate Sullivan, Partner, Tompkins Wake
7.30am to 8.30am: Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way (to Fix It)
How can issues with problematic wills be resolved? Explore recent case law and gain practical guidance relating to applications:
- To validate or correct a will under the Wills Act 2007
- Probate in solemn form
Presented by Aria Newfield, Solicitor, Morris Legal; paper prepared with Sally Morris, Partner and Georgia Angus, Senior Associate, Morris Legal
8.30am to 9.30am: Working with Oranga Tamariki
- Know thyself
- Know thy adversary
- Move from adversary to ally and set you and your client up for success
Presented by Ian Telford, Barrister, Quadrant Chambers
9.30am to 10.30am: Culture and Cultural Issues in Family Law
- Working with an interpreter in court and out
- Multiculturalism, legal pluralism and what it means for family law
- International debates about the accommodation of culture and religion in Family Law
Presented by Praveen Singh, Barrister, Halcyon Chambers
10.30am to 10.45am Morning Tea
Learning Objectives
- Examine how to work with a problematic will
- Receive practical tips for working with Oranga Tamariki
- Gain a deeper sensitivity to the cultural Issues in family law
Session 2
Stream A: Commercial Law, Business Sales and New Compliance Regulations
Chair: Dermot Ross, Principal, Dermot Ross & Co
10.45am to 11.45am: Ownership Structuring: What, Why and When
- What issues can determine an ownership structure?
- How does the transaction influence an ownership structure choice?
- Corporate entities, partnerships, JVs: benefits and complications
- Compliance issues: statutory consents, AML, information disclosure
Presented by Patrick Learmonth, Partner, Stace Hammond Lawyers; Convener Complaints Committee, Franchise Association of New Zealand
11.45am to 12.45pm: Intellectual Property and Commercial Contracts
- IP considerations including licensing vs ownership
- Getting the language right when drafting
- Negotiating IP warranties and indemnities
- Contract interpretation in IP
Presented by Scott Yorke, Partner, Bowie Yorke
12.45pm to 1.15pm Lunch
1.15pm to 2.15pm: New Privacy Legislation and Impacts on Business
- Privacy Bill: proposed key reforms to the Privacy Act 1993
- Potential amendments to the Privacy Bill as it makes its way through Parliament
- Practical application of privacy obligations for businesses
- The GDPR and what it means for your business
Presented by Karen Ngan, Partner, Simpson Grierson
2.15pm to 3.15pm: The Practical Side of Phase 2 AML/CFT Compliance and Reporting
Current issues with AML/CFT for lawyers:
- ‘Captured activities’: Where are the boundaries?
- How to deal with common customer due diligence issues
- Wire transfer issues
- Suspicious activity reports and privilege issues in practice
- Gearing up for the first annual return to DIA
- The latest guidance and interpretation issues
- Q&A session: your questions answered
Presented by Neil Russ, Partner, Buddle Findlay and Henry Brandts-Giesen, Partner, Kensington Swan
Learning Objectives
- Consider the nuances of ownership structuring in the sale or purchase of a business and the practical implications
- Master how to draft commercial IP contracts
- Receive a timely update on the new privacy legislation and how it will Impacts on business and your practice
- Be updated on Phase 2 of AML/CFT compliance and reporting and how it is working in practice
Stream B: Advocacy and Adjudication: Practical and Procedural Update
Chair: Kim Francis, Partner, Meredith Connell
10.45am to 11.45am: What is Required for Proper Pleadings?
- Clearly stating the nature and basis of the claim
- Determining appropriate causes of action
- Providing adequate and appropriate particulars
- Statements of defence
- When affirmative defences are necessary
- Seeking and providing further particulars
- The need for and content of a reply
- Examination of the relevant rules (HCR Part 5)
Presented by Graham Kohler QC, Shortland Chambers
11.45am to 12.45pm: Judicial Review
Explore the intricacies of judicial review and how it relates to your practice, including the latest cases and updates.
Presented by Ben Keith, Barrister, Thorndon Chambers
12.45pm to 1.15pm Lunch
1.15pm to 2.15pm: Construction Contracts Act Adjudications
Understanding the process and the potential fishhooks and how to apply it all to your practice.
Presented by Jo-Anne Knight, Partner, Simpson Grierson
2.15pm to 3.15pm: Leveraging Data, AI and Other Technology in Investigations and Litigation
- How is technology being used in investigations and litigation?
- What are the advantages of technology?
- What are the practical risks that need to be managed?
Presented by Jason Weir, Partner, Forensic - Risk Advisory, Deloitte
Learning Objectives
- Examine the practical requirements for proper pleadings
- Receive a timely update on judicial review
- Examine the practical aspects and processes of a Construction Contract Act adjudication
- Be updated on how to leverage data, AI and other technology during a litigation matter
Session 3
Contract Law and Tax Essentials
Chair: Chris Linton, Consultant, Duncan Cotterill
3.30pm to 4.30pm: Contract Disputes and Arbitration Clauses
- Why include an arbitration clause?
- Advantages and disadvantages of arbitration
- Options for arbitration/rules
- How do arbitration clauses and summary judgment interrelate?
- Appeals from arbitration decisions
Presented by Tim Herbert, Barrister, High St Chambers
4.30pm to 5.30pm: Contract Law: Warranties, Indemnities and Limitations of Liability
- The basics of warranties and indemnities
- Trips and traps of warranties in various settings
- Indemnities: What's reasonable?
- Limitations of liability: what to limit, when to limit and what to carve out
Presented by Anton Trixl, Partner, Anderson Lloyd
5.30pm to 6.30pm: Tax Update: What is on the Horizon?
Receive an update on the latest developments in tax that will affect legal practice in 2019.
Presented by Greg James, Senior Tax Partner and Ryan Watt, Associate Tax Partner – Tax Advisory Crowe Horwath
Learning Objectives
- Gain a deeper understanding of contract arbitration clauses
- Master the interplay between contractual warranties, indemnities and limitations of liability
- Explore the latest tax updates in-depth