10 CPD Hours in One Day - Public Sector Lawyers
Issues covered include: privacy, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, GDPR, free speech, public interest, judicial review, statutory interpretation, Bill or Rights
One day. A collection of carefully selected topics covering the most important issues facing public sector lawyers. Thought leaders in the area assembled in one place to share their knowledge. And every single one of your CPD hours complete in one information-packed day. It all adds up: once again this is another can’t miss conference.
Attend the full day and earn 10 CPD hours
This conference was recorded in NZ on 28 February 2019
Session 1
Privacy Reforms, Conflicts of Interest and Confidentiality
Chair: Robyn Campbell, Director, PwC
7.30am to 8.30am: Privacy Law Update: New Privacy Reform and GDPR and your Agency
- Law Reform - Privacy Bill: proposed changes and potential impact
- GDPR: impact on New Zealand entities with European exposure, including:
- When the GDPR might apply to your agency
- Major themes and frequently asked questions
Presented by Jane Parker, Partner and Kate Anderson, Senior Associate, MinterEllisonRuddWatts
8.30am to 9.30am: Managing Conflicts of Interest: Guidance for Public Sector Agencies
Conflicts of interest are inevitable in a small country like New Zealand and require careful and proactive management in the public sector
- Explore how conflicts of interest can be identified and managed as well as some of the common issues faced
- Consider approaches to conflicts that can arise between the functions a public sector agency performs
Presented by Catherine Marks, Special Counsel and Mark Calderwood, Solicitor, Public Law & Policy, Russell McVeagh
9.30am to 10.30am: Confidentiality, Privacy, Free Speech and the Public Interest: Where are we at?
We are constantly being reminded that we live in an information age. You will review intersecting strands of case law to try to answer the question of where the law is heading on issues involving the public dissemination of allegedly private information. What rules apply? Have the goalposts shifted? If so, what new trends and paradigms are emerging?
Presented by Daniel Kalderimis, Partner, Chapman Tripp
10.30am to 10.45am Morning Tea
Learning Objectives
- Be updated on privacy law reform and its implications
- Examine confidentiality in the context of free speech and public interest
- Develop a deeper understanding and guidance for managing conflicts of interest in a public sector context
Session 2
Public Law in Review
Chair: Mary Scholtens QC, Stout Street Chambers
10.45am to 11.45am: Reform of New Zealand’s State Sector: How far Will it go and What Does it Mean?
New Zealand’s state sector was reformed comprehensively in 1912, 1962, and 1988. Now a new wave of big reforms are under consideration. Significant legislation will follow the consultation now underway. What will the changes mean for the public service and the New Zealand Constitution? What will be the consequences for Crown Entities? How will the public benefit?
Presented by Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Palmer QC, Harbour Chambers
11.45am to 12.45pm: Judicial Review
Analyse the intricacies of judicial review and how it relates to your practice, including the latest cases and updates.
Presented by Ben Keith, Barrister, Thorndon Chambers
12.45pm to 1.15pm Lunch
1.15pm to 2.15pm: Statutory Interpretation: Update on Recent Developments
Explore recent case-law developments and legislative practices that are relevant to statutory interpretation and the practical insights they provide for legal advice and litigation purposes.
Presented by Matthew Smith, Barrister, Thorndon chambers
2.15pm to 3.15pm: Update on New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990
Examine key issues relating to the Act including the latest developments that you need to have on your radar.
Presented by Esther Watt, Barrister and Duncan Ballinger, Junior Barrister, Stout Street Chambers
Learning Objectives
- Consider and understand recent developments in judicial review
- Critique the reform of New Zealand’s State sector and the implications going forward
- Receive a timely update on statutory interpretation and case law
- Examine and be updated on the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990
Session 3
Dispute Resolution and Workplace Complaints
Chair: Greg Cain, Partner, Kensington Swan
3.30pm to 4.30pm: Effective Dispute Resolution in Practice: Tailoring the Forum for the Dispute
- Arbitration formats: streamlined and cost-effective approaches to binding dispute resolution
- Mediation: Can novel approaches in other jurisdictions work in NZ?
- ‘Alternative’ Alternative Dispute Resolution: other (legal and ethical) means for resolving disputes
Presented by Dave Barr, Senior Associate, Simpson Grierson
4.30am to 5.30pm: Workplace Bullying
- The nature and scale of the problem in NZ workplaces
- Workplace bullying defined: implications of latest case law
- Dealing with bullying allegations
- WorkSafe’s approach
Presented by Steph Dyhrberg, Partner, Dyhrberg Drayton Employment Law
5.30pm to 6.30pm: Workplace Investigations
- When workplace investigations may be needed
- Key issues to be aware of
- Common pitfalls
- Consequences of getting it wrong
Presented by Geoff Davenport, Partner, McBride Davenport James
Learning Objectives
- Develop practical skills for dispute management and methods for resolution
- Examine how to identify workplace bullying, prevent it occurring and better instruct clients
- Master how to conduct a workplace investigation