Trade Marks and Patents Conference
Issues covered include: IPONZ Hearings Office, trade mark ownership, trade mark enforcement and litigation, Chinese trade marks update, specifications, patent portfolio management, artificial intelligence
9 topical issues. One whole day to earn all your CPE points in one go. This diverse and jam-packed conference brings together leading IP practitioners in New Zealand, Beijing and Hong Kong to examine the current issues and trends in trademarks and patents. You will receive a round-up on the latest IPONZ and High Court trade mark decisions, examine trade mark ownership and gain strategies in trade mark enforcement and litigation.
Attend and earn 7 CPD hours
Session 1
Global Trade Marks: A Focus on New Zealand and China
Chair: Jonathan Aumonier-Ward, Principal, AJ Park Law
9.00am to 9.45am: IPONZ Hearings Office: Critical Updates
Walk away with a roundup of the latest IPONZ and High Court trade mark decisions, providing insight into the latest trends, and considering issues such as:
- The similarity of marks and goods and services
- Evidence in invalidity and revocation actions in relation to:
- Aggrieved person status
- Relevant use of the trade mark
- Procedural points and the principles of natural justice
Presented by Victoria Watts, Senior Associate, Baldwins
9.45am to 10.30am: A Spotlight on Trade Mark Ownership
- Laws of proprietorship/ownership
- Intent to use requirement
- Bad faith
Presented by Rob Batty, Associate Dean, Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland
10.30am to 11.15am: Trade Mark Enforcement and Litigation: Practice and Procedure
- Substantive Questions:
- Interim injunctions: serious question and discretionary issues
- AdWord cases
- Procedure and Steps to Trial:
- Urgency and timetable for interim injunctions
- Applications for leave to appeal
- Damages and discovery
- Surveys
- Costs awards
Presented by Earl Gray, Barrister, Sangro Chambers
11.15am to 11.30am: Break
11.30am to 1.00pm
11.30am to 12.15pm: Chinese Trade Marks Update
- Updates in Chinese trade mark legislation
- Bad faith filings and hoarding trade mark
- Latest cases and what they mean for your practice
Presented by Liao Fei, Partner, King & Wood Mallesons
12.15pm to 1.00pm: Useful Tips to Protect Your Brand in China
- How do I register a trade mark in China?
- What is required for filing a trade mark application in China?
- What should you do if your trade mark is applied for or registered by others in China?
- Key aspects of the trade mark system in China
- Practical tips for trade mark protection in China
Presented by Ken Hung, Partner, Vivien Chan & Co
Learning objectives
- Stay on top of the latest IPONZ and High Court trade mark decisions
- Explore the issues arising in trade mark ownership
- Consider the substantive questions, procedure and steps to trial in trade mark enforcement and litigation
- Examine the latest changes in Chinese trade mark legislation and case law and its implications for your practice
- Learn useful tips for trade mark protection in China
Session 2
Tips of the Trade: Patents and Ensuring Best Practice
Chair: Blayne Peacock, Director, Ellis Terry
2.00pm to 2.45pm: Specifications: What Makes a Strong Patent?
- Recent law
- Best practices and traps to avoid
- Examples, scenarios and Q&A
Presented by Jason Rogers, Partner, James & Wells
2.45pm to 3.30pm: Patent Portfolio Management: Strategies and Tips
- How to prepare and manage patent portfolios
- Practical tips and takeaways
Presented by Nicola Johnstone, Head of IP Legal, Auckland UniServices Ltd
3.30pm to 3.45pm: Break
3.45pm to 4.30pm: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Patent Law
- Updates and recent developments in technology
- A look at NZ, US and European case law
- Practical tips and takeaways for patenting AI
- Use of AI by IPONZ and global IP offices
Presented by Antonia Modkova, Patent Attorney, Soul Machines
4.30pm to 5.30pm: Ethics: Modern Pitfalls of Trade Marks and Patent Practice
- Practical scenarios, takeaways and guidance
- Ethical issues in emerging technology
- Ethical decision making in litigation and prosecution: Duties of candour and disclosure
- Recognising a conflict of interest and knowing how to deal with it
Presented by David Marriott, Barrister
Learning objectives
- Benefit from essential guidance on what makes a strong patent
- Understand how best to prepare and manage patent portfolios
- Receive an update on developments in technology and gain practical tips and takeaways for patenting artificial intelligence
- Consider best practice to ensure you behave ethically and professionally